Build your own truffle grove
The sustainable, fun and tasty way to invest
As seen in Times Money and on Channel 4's ' Help! We Bought a Village'
Plant a truffle grove and receive truffles and profits every year without lifting a finger
Perfect for carbon offsetting, special occasions, dinner parties, or corporate gifts

Timeline and returns for the first 20 years assuming average production
In good years revenue could be considerably higher, and larger truffles sell for higher prices

How does it work?
We prepare the field, purchase and collect the trees, plant, irrigate, fence, perform daily checks, prune, mow, and then harvest, pack and send the truffles!
You receive all the truffles until the trees produce more than 400g in a season. Then, every year, you receive 400g of truffles
You have first refusal at wholesale prices on all truffles from your trees
Any truffles that you don't want, we sell for you and you get 25% of the profits transferred to your bank account
You own the carbon credits, which you can use to offset your day-to-day or business emissions
Free truffle hunting and training for you, family and friends in our woods and in your truffle grove whenever you visit
Other benefits
You get to see your grove planted and growing on Channel 4, PBS and on our social media channels
All truffle grove investors get 15% off accommodation on the farm (two houses scheduled to be completed in 2026), so you can spend some quality time with your trees and harvest your own truffles
Read through the options then click to go to the order page. You can even pay online
Choose your truffle

Autumn/burgundy truffle (uncinatum)
PROFUMO The smell of the forest, hazelnuts, malted barley
HABITAT Shaded areas, well-draining soils with calcium and clay
SEASON Sept to Jan
PRICE €300 - €1000 /kg

Black/pregiato truffle (melanosporum)
PROFUMO Aromatic, fruity, nutty, and rich forest aromas
​HABITAT Very specific; stony, very calcareous, well-draining due to cracking of parent rock, requires moisture in summer
SEASON Dec to March
PRICE €600 - €1800 /kg

White truffle
(magnatum pico)
PROFUMO Sweet and garlicy, wet earth and hay
HABITAT Extremely specific environments; marly with active calcium, sand and clay, shade and constant temperatures
SEASON Sept to Jan
PRICE €2000 - €4500 /kg

Summer/scorzone truffle (aestivum)
PROFUMO Mushroomy, rich, savoury
HABITAT Sun, calcium-magnesium soils with fine and coarse constituents, aerated structure
SEASON June to New Year's
PRICE €250 - €700 /kg
Choose your trees


Downy oak

Holm oak


Linden (white truffle only)
Choose support and border plants to help with biodiversity and truffle production + enhance the beauty of your grove

Strawberry tree


Rock rose

Choose your grove's location

Grove sizes and pricing
Summer truffle (aestivum)
50 truffle trees with 10 support plants £ 2,490
100 truffle trees with 20 support plants £ 4,860
150 truffle trees with 30 support plants £ 6,780
Autumn/burgundy truffle (uncinatum)
50 truffle trees with 10 support plants £ 2,990
100 truffle trees with 20 support plants £ 5,950
150 truffle trees with 30 support plants £ 8,850
Black truffle (melanosporum)
50 truffle trees with 10 support plants £ 3,390
100 truffle trees with 20 support plants £ 6,490
150 truffle trees with 30 support plants £ 9,190
White truffle (magnatum pico)
30 truffle trees with 10 support plants £ 5,090
60 truffle trees with 15 support plants £ 9,390
Why does it cost that much?
Planting, protecting and maintaining a truffle grove is expensive. We don't include the cost of the land or our labour in the price calculations. Excluding things like fuel and wear-and-tear on more than ten agricultural machines used in planting and maintenance, here is a breakdown of some of the costs on a 50 tree grove:
Truffle tree: 15-20 euros per tree (120 euros per tree for white truffle because mycorrhization is more difficult and biomolecular controls are conducted on every individual tree)
Stake: 2 euros per tree or vine
Plant fibre mulch and staples: 3 euros per tree
Shade netting and stakes: 3 euros per tree
Chestnut fence posts: 800 euros
Fence mesh: 800 euros
Fence wire and tensioners: 250 euros
Border plants: 50 - 200 euros
Re-seeding grove with truffe spores: 200 euros every 2 years
Irrigation tanks: 400 euros
Irrigation tube, sprinklers, and connectors: 400 euros
Signage: 75 euros
CCTV and solar power: 300 euros
Food and vet bills for guard dogs and the truffle dog: expensive!
Why would I choose to invest with you?
(1) Verifiable: Unlike other tree planting services, our planting and maintenance of the trees can be verified in numerous ways. You can watch your trees being planted on Channel 4's 'Help! We Bought a Village' as well as tracking their progress on our Instagram and YouTube channel. You can visit whenever you like. We love working with our backers, and are always happy to discuss customisation.
(2) Investible credentials: We are highly accountable to investors and have investible credentials; co-director Dr Jerry O'Shea has a PhD from the University of Cambridge and co-director Lucie is a certified Independent Agricultural Entrepreneur in Italy (which involves 200-hours of agricultural training) as well as being about to complete her PhD from Cambridge. We have a more than 99.8% tree survival rate on the 2,000 trees we have planted so far. We work with a professional agronomist who is a Doctor of Forestry Sciences and specialises in truffle groves.
(3) The ideal land: our land is truly perfect for truffle cultivation. We have abundant active limestone, sun, natural and clean water all-year round, well-draining soil, and a variety of aspects and marl/clay-levels to grow all species of truffles. In fact, because our valley is so ideal for truffles, the only concern is stopping the natural truffles in our woodland from encroaching on the cultivated fields; this is why we dig a trench around the groves to stop the cultivated and wild roots intermingling, and, to be extra-safe, we also plant a border of plants that don’t host truffles, such as lavender, olives and grapevines, which act as a barrier against mycorrhized roots.
Is production guaranteed?
Yes. Production is guaranteed or your money back. Before planting, each site's soil is analysed by Regione Marche scientists to ensure that we plant each species of truffle in the ideal spot. The trees are sourced from a state-owned and scientifically-controlled nursery (white truffle trees come from the world's leading private nursery, who have proven success and are also checked by the state). The trees are tested for successful mycorrhization under a microscope as well as through biomolecular analysis.
Can you do corporate gifts or festive gifts?
Yes! We can discuss personalised labelling and branding of the truffles or our olive oil or honey. Truffles are PERFECT festive gifts because black truffles (melanosporum), autumn truffles (uncinatum), and white truffles (magnatum pico) are all available for harvesting in December! They also work very well as birthday gifts because at least one species of truffle is available year-round except April.
Don't people steal truffles?
One of the biggest advantages of investing with us is that we live on-site, so we operate physical and infrared-equipped video surveillance of the groves to protect the trees and truffles from animals and truffle thieves 24/7.
When will the trees start to produce truffles?
For black truffle (melanosporum) and white truffle, the first truffles can be harvested from the fourth to sixth year after planting. For summer and autumn truffles, the first truffles can be harvested from the sixth or seventh year after planting. One thing we've learnt from farming is that five years sounds like a long time but it flies by!
How much is 400g?
Mature truffle can weigh as little as 8g, but the average size for most of the species is between 30g and 50g, though some truffles can be much larger. This means you will receive around 10 average sized truffles each year, though you have the option to take a lot more than this at wholesale price, or we can offer the truffles to customers (in which case you get 25% of the profits).
Who owns the land?
We maintain ownership of the land, which makes the process a lot simpler and cheaper for the investor, avoiding costly agency, legal and notary fees. However, if you are interested in buying your own land and getting us to plant and manage groves for you, then we are happy to discuss this; please get in touch!
What happens after 20 years?
The trees stay in the ground. For most species, more work goes into pruning to maintain enough sunlight hitting the soil. After 20 years you can choose to extend your ownership for another period of time at a reduced rate, or work with us on a whole new planting project!